11/3/2009 -
"這是GUCCI集團首步實施業界領先的紙張使用規範, 並符合GUCCI之意願來幫助緩和氣候變遷."
Gucci has stated that by
December 2010 it will use only recycled products or paper that is
certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Gucci is not alone:
other fashion brands have made similar commitments, including Tiffany
& Co., H&M Group, Staples and Unisource.
Deforestation is a major
contributor to climate. Globally, the degradation and destruction of
rainforests is estimated to contribute between fifteen and twenty
percent of the world's total greenhouse emissions. Indonesia is
currently the world's third highest emitter of greenhouse gases—after
China and the United States—mostly due to the rampant and widespread
destruction of its rainforests. Industry-driven destruction of
rainforest—for paper, wood, and agricultural crops such as palm oil and
soy—has also led to widespread biodiversity loss.