
上個月2728兩日,企業代表、 消費者及採購專家在巴黎參與了一場FSC會議,會中介紹了FSC 認證系統和各種市場上的 FSC 認證產品。



Responsible purchasing event to take place in Paris

Companies, consumers and procurement specialists will meet in Paris from 27 to 28 May 2010 to learn more about the FSC certification system and the variety of FSC certified products available.

Organized in cooperation with the City of Paris and the French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, the event provides a space for exchanges between participants from across Europe.

The first day focuses on the social and environmental impacts of FSC certification and market growth for FSC certified products in Europe. The second day provides participants with technical information on FSC certification including trademark rules and how to become certified. FSC certified products are presented and participants can meet representatives of companies that sell and manufacture FSC certified products.




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